Well folks, tomorrow I head back to Vandy for my second cycle of chemo. I will be arriving at 8 am to have blood work done, then at 10 am I will have a picc line put back in (that's what they'll be using to administer the chemo), after that it's back to a room for a week.
This is a big week because this week will determine whether or not we will continue the lower dose "salvage" chemo, or if we are going to have to move on to the stem cell chemo. I am praying with all my might that the numbers at the end of this week will be low enough to continue the "salvage" chemo. But, I also know that God is going to take care of me no matter what the numbers are, and those are some pretty good hands to be in. Please just continue to pray for me and keep thinking positive thoughts this week as I go in and kick butt this week.
I got to spend Christmas with the family, which was absolutely wonderful (as always). My little sister got a new puppy for Christmas. Lucy, is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. She is a Scottie/ Westie mix, and she is perfect for my sister. My parents were really good to me this Christmas as well. They got me a really nice tool chest to put in my garage. Which is great because Di had a friend of mine build me a workbench for Christmas as well. So, I have alot of incentive to get well and start building things again. But, it was nice to be able to spend quality time with my folks and just sit around and talk. Not even talk about cancer or finances, just talk about anything and everything. That to me, made this Christmas the best ever in my book.
Well, tomorrow is a busy day and I still have to unpack from being at the folk's house this weekend. I will keep you all posted on how things are going tomorrow. Thank you all again for showing me so much support through this. Have a good evening.
The (Kenny) Corder family is praying that you have a smooth week at Vandy. You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Missed seeing you guys this weekend, but hope to see you soon.